Leave a Legacy

Discover simple and flexible ways that you can benefit Wellspring with a future gift.

Make Your Gift Last

Designating a future gift to Wellspring creates a lasting impact to help people with mental illness. What legacy would you like to leave for others? What brings you joy knowing you make a difference to others?

Your planned gift through your will, financial planning, or beneficiary preparation provides resources to continue building healthy and hopeful lives of recovery for future generations. You can help with a gift that is right for your situation, which may include:

  • Designating a Life Insurance policy for Wellspring’s benefit
  • Naming Wellspring as the beneficiary for a retirement account such as an IRA or 401K
  • Transfer a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from and IRA (for those age 70 1/2+)
  • Deferring a gift of stock
  • Naming Wellspring as a beneficiary in your Will
  • Designating your final distribution from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or Community Foundation fund to Wellspring
  • Establishing a trust or an annuity to benefit Wellspring

We are here to help.  Please contact Wellspring Development Director, Kimberly Johnson, to personally discuss your specific interests and work toward a charitable structure that supports Wellspring’s mission while fulfilling your philanthropic wishes.

Wellspring’s EIN is 31-1020023.

Learn more from these legacy gift examples:

A Deliberate, Defining Difference

Former Wellspring board member Cissy Mills was a woman with strong convictions and she worked diligently to make a difference for other people. Even after her death, Cissy has helped others through a planned gift defined in her will. She couldn’t possibly have known how helpful her gift would be during a year of global pandemic.

She had a passion for people who didn’t have a voice:’ says Mills’ daughter Alexis. Cissy and her family were connected to Wellspring when their son, Ralph, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in his early 30’s. Cissy later joined Wellspring’s Board of Directors and served three terms.

“Wellspring was a godsend for our whole family:’ Alexis explains. She says their family never discussed mental health until Ralph became ill and they were challenged to navigate through symptoms and systems that no one could help with until they found Wellspring.

“She wanted to make sure that Wellspring stays around because she knew how much our community needs an organization like Wellspring to help other families navigate mental illness:’ Alexis says.

If you would like to define a legacy gift like Cissy’s either through a will, insurance policy or other estate planning tool, please contact Wellspring’s Development Director, Kimberly Spaw Johnson at 502.753.1453.


Leaving a Legacy: Cynthia Shaw’s Surprise

At Wellspring, we like to think that we know most of our donors. But, every now and then a donor really surprises us. Cynthia Shaw was one of those beautiful surprises. Ms. Shaw attended one Derby Preview Party (DPP) in 2005 with a friend. This was perhaps the only Wellspring event that Ms. Shaw attended. So, when a call came last August from Ms. Sl1aw’s financial planner, we were quite surprised. Ms. Shaw had passed away a month earlier and the financial planner was notifying dozens of organizations named as beneficiaries of her estate.

Dozens of organizations. One woman. A significant impact. Talk about a surprise gift! Since that August 2019 phone call, it has been a privilege to get to know a bit about who Ms. Shaw was and how Wellspring’s mission resonated with her. 

This is the power of a Legacy gift! A legacy gift is an inspiration. It is a chance for others to benefit from your passion to help.
Although we spent 15 years not knowing it, Ms. Shaw believed in Wellspring’s mission and programs to provide mental health recovery. She has entrusted us to use her unrestricted gift to better the lives of thousands of adults building healthier and more hopeful lives of recovery. 

If you would like to leave a Legacy like Cynthia Shaw’s, please don’t keep it a surprise! We would love to talk with you now so that we can deepen our relationship along the way.