Affordable Housing
The program’s tenants have very limited incomes; many would be homeless or live in substandard housing without this resource. This housing is coupled with appropriate support services from Wellspring, providing tenants a permanent home base for their journey of recovery. Open-ended leases and housing which varies in type and location, allow consumers to choose the best fit for their needs. While most of Wellspring’s housing is spread geographically throughout Jefferson County, the agency also has one four-unit residence located in Shelby County, in the Shelbyville area. Wellspring also provides scattered site, leased apartments, as well as supportive services, for residents with mental illness, many of whom have been identified as chronically homeless.
For more details, see our annual report.
Client Experiences:
Cliff went from homelessness to hospitalization, then a two-week stay at a Wellspring Crisis Unit before moving into Wellspring’s Housing. With the tools available to him, Cliff grasped opportunity with both hands and worked his way to a Peer Support Certification. He now works for Wellspring, helping formerly homeless Wellspring clients in their recovery.