Wellspring’s Crisis Stabilization Program
The goal of Wellspring’s Crisis Stabilization Program is to assist adults who are experiencing an acute psychiatric episode. With our 24/7 care, we help people avoid hospitalization, achieve stabilization, and recover from acute mental health symptoms such as severe depression, mania, or psychosis. Clients receive intensive treatment, close monitoring with high levels of staff support, and medications prescribed by a psychiatrist, if necessary, in a homelike setting. The 16-bed program has two locations – the Samuel B. Todd Center and the David J. Block Center. Both are licensed, accredited crisis stabilization offering the only services of their kind in the Louisville Metro region. The Crisis Stabilization Program is the only Wellspring program that does not require a serious mental illness diagnosis to be eligible for services.

Symptoms of Crisis May Include:
- Being overwhelmed by stress
- Severe depression
- High level of anxiety
- Family & interpersonal conflict
- Mood swings
- Hearing voices
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Suicidal thoughts
- Racing thoughts